Update of the Year!

The past couple of weeks since my crazy video went viral, more and more people have been asking me about my journey, and how it all began! I thought it was time to re-share this post that I orginally wrote on my blog in December of 2014, just a few months after I began. So MUCH has changed since then…I am in awe of the blessings in my life. Thank you so much to each person who has helped me fight to get here…and who will help me continue to fight to keep going. WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER! #Persist 💜🔥💜🔥



The last time I wrote a blog post (a poem entitled “Reining it in”), I was headed down a familiar road. A comfortable cave of self-loathing was beckoning me to come back inside and stay for awhile.

I had just returned from serving teenagers and kids for two weeks at church camp with my husband and children. I was feeling amazing! I was feeling accomplished and good about myself. Like I was being useful and productive in the world again. It was hard, long days and hiking all over camp killed my feet but, I dared to get a little confident and bounce back in my step.

That is, until I got home and pictures of me starting popping up on Facebook. Well meaning friends and kids who had been at camp were tagging me in photos that represented all the fun we had had together, and instead of “liking”…

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